Forum Instructions
Instructions for adding a comment to a forum:
Instructions for adding a comment to a forum:
1. Log in to site: go to, enter your user name and password
2. go to menu tab “Forum”
3. The forums page comes up, with a list of topics
4. Click on a topic,
5. You can either reply to an existing comment, or add a new one.
6. IMPORTANT: Click the “Save” button on the bottom of page. If you don’t, your comment will be lost.
1. 首先请使用您的用户名和密码登陆网站:
2. 点击菜单中的”Forum”(论坛)键
3. 包含各专项讨论题目(topics)的论坛页会弹出
4. 点击您想要发表评论的讨论题目
5. 您可以回复他人的评论或发表您自己的新的评论
6. 请特别注意:在完成评论后,请点击页面底端的”Save“(保存)键,否则您的评论将会丢失。
1. 首先请使用您的用户名和密码登陆网站:
2. 点击菜单中的”Forum”(论坛)键
3. 包含各专项讨论题目(topics)的论坛页会弹出
4. 点击您想要发表评论的讨论题目
5. 您可以回复他人的评论或发表您自己的新的评论
6. 请特别注意:在完成评论后,请点击页面底端的”Save“(保存)键,否则您的评论将会丢失。
Instructions for adding a comment to a forum:
Instructions for adding a comment to a forum:
1. Log in to site: go to, enter your user name and password
2. go to menu tab “Forum”
3. The forums page comes up, with a list of topics
4. Click on a topic,
5. You can either reply to an existing comment, or add a new one.
6. IMPORTANT: Click the “Save” button on the bottom of page. If you don’t, your comment will be lost.