学会成员/Association Members
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创始成员/Founding Members

Dr. Xiang Wei is an Associate Professor in the National Academy of Economic Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and an Adjunct Professor of the National School of Development, Peking University and Center for Leisure Research, Remin University of China. Dr. Wei is also a member of the American Economic Association, USA. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from the Business School of Renmin University of China. In collaboration with other institutes, he developed the largest data set (more than 800,000) on economic life in the Mainland China that spans the years of 2006-2016. His research focuses on issues of time allocation (especially its effect on human capital), happiness, and the effects of economic growth on leisure time and leisure participation. He explores subjects such as the effects of time allocation on human capital and economic growth, the effects of leisure infrastructure as endogenous amenity on talent allocation, and the effects of leisure participation on Chinese happiness. Other subjects that are prominent in his research include the effects of life time on working time, gender and income differences in leisure time allocation, cross-cultural differences in recreation behavior, outbound travel behavior, space economics in leisure field, economic analysis of household activities and leisure participation, and modern management in leisure enterprises. Dr. Wei’s research has been funded by the National Social Science Fund, National Tourism Administration of The People’s Republic of China, Beijing Planning Office, and Beijing Municipal Education Commission. He co-edited books entitled “Bonus in leisure: How life decides your work?,” “Leisure economics,” “Recreational properties in China” and “Leisure economic management.” His research has also been published in top SSCI journals including Journal of Leisure Research, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Tourism Economics, Tourism Analysis, Social Indicators Research, and International Journal of Tourism Research. He has also published more than 30 CSSCI papers in Chinese. Dr. Wei teaches doctoral-level course on The Economics of Leisure, which examines the economic laws and their effect on the leisure industry.

Dr. Stodolska is a Professor and Associate Head for Academic Affairs in the Department of Recreation, Sport and Tourism at the University of Illinois. She received her Ph.D. in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Alberta, Canada. Dr. Stodolska’s research focuses on issues of cultural change, quality of life, and their relationship to leisure behavior of ethnic and racial minorities. She explores subjects such as the adaptation processes among minority groups, recreation behavior of minority populations in natural environments, physical activity among minority groups, as well as constraints on leisure. Dr. Stodolska’s research has been funded by the USDA Forest Service, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Kraft Foundation, National Institutes of Health, and National Recreation and Park Association. She has co-edited books on Race, Ethnicity and Leisure with Drs. Shinew, Floyd and Walker and Leisure Matters: The State and Future of Leisure Studies with Drs. Walker and Scott. Her research has also been published in Journal of Leisure Research, Leisure Sciences, Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, Leisure/Loisir, Annals of Behavioral Medicine, Social Science Quarterly, Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies and other outlets. Dr. Stodolska has served as an associate editor of the Journal of Leisure Research since 2001 and of Leisure/Loisir since 2003. In 2011 and 2012 she served as a co-chair of the NRPA Leisure Research Symposium. In 2013 she was elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Leisure Sciences.

Dr. Gordon J. Walker is a Professor in the Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation at the University of Alberta (Canada). His research program integrates socio- and cross-cultural psychology and leisure theory. He is particularly interested in how culture and ethnicity affect leisure behaviour (e.g., need satisfaction through, motivations for, constraints to, experiences during, and outcomes of, leisure). To date, Gordon's research has focused primarily on Chinese, Chinese/Canadian, and British/Canadian people's leisure, with funding from the Alberta Gambling Research Institute and the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada. In 2009 he was elected as an Academy of Leisure Sciences Fellow. In 2011 he co-authored the second edition of A Social Psychology of Leisure with Doug Kleiber and Roger Mannell; in 2014 he co-edited a book entitled Race, Ethnicity, and Leisure with Monika Stodolska, Kim Shinew, and Myron Floyd; and in 2016 he co-edited a book entitled Leisure Matters: The State and Future of Leisure Studies with David Scott and Monika Stodolska.

Dr. Erwei Dong is an associate professor of recreation management at United States Sports Academy. He received his Ph.D. in Recreation, Park and Tourism Management (Leisure Studies) from the Pennsylvania State University (USA). He conducted many fieldwork related to leisure lifestyle in urban settings. Specifically, his research explores how urban leisure lifestyle influences people’s health, leisure satisfaction and quality of life. He compared leisure activities and leisure constraints in a variety of cultural contexts with the goal of enhancing recreational facilities, making recreation resources sustainable, building health communities, enriching quality of life and creating more equitable leisure opportunities at local and global levels. In addition, he is interested in examining how culture influence leisure and tourism participation, involvement and behaviors on diverse populations. He has a combination of more than 100 published peer-reviewed papers, book and book chapters, professional presentations and technical reports to his research. Dr. Dong’s research has been funded by Marriott Foundation, Korea Foundation, Academy of Korean Studies, Matsushita Foundation, Heiwanagajima Foundation, and National Science Council of Taiwan. He co-edited a book entitled Korean Leisure: from tradition to modernity with Dr. Joen Yi-Kook. His research has also been published in Leisure Sciences, Leisure Studies, World Leisure Journal, African Journal of Physical Health Education Recreation and Dance, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Vacation Marketing, Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences)and other journals.

Dr. Monica Z. Li is a visiting scholar at the Department of Recreation, Sport and Tourism at the University of Illinois. She received her Ph.D. in Leisure Studies from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research theme lies primarily within the nexus of leisure, tourism, mobility and transformation of the society. Her dissertation project investigated how Chinese overseas travelers reflected upon their travel experience and how their perceptions of the home, the destination and the self were challenged, reviewed and revised as a result of cross-cultural overseas encounters. Her recent research has endeavored to explore the multiple interacting mobilities of Chinese people who make systematic movements within or out of the country for leisure, work, education, or family related purposes at the micro level and in the form of analyses of individual actions. Her research has been published in Leisure Sciences, Leisure/Loisir, Annals of Leisure Research, Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research and other outlets.
资深成员 (国际)/International Fellows

Pennsylvania State University
Area of Study:
Garry Chick is professor emeritus and a former head of the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Management at the Pennsylvania State University. He also has an appointment in the Department of Anthropology. He received a B.S. in psychology with a minor in physics in 1969 from Purdue University and a Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Pittsburgh in 1980. His primary research interests include expressive culture, including leisure and health, adult play and games, and research methods. He has conducted field research in Mexico, northeastern United States, mainland China, and Taiwan. He joined the faculty at Penn State in 1999 after 18 years in the Department of Leisure Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. While at Illinois, he received fellowships in the Program for the Study of Cultural Values and Ethics (1991-92) and the Center for Advanced Studies (1995-96). He has also taught as a visiting professor at West Virginia University, the University of Wageningen in The Netherlands, and the University of Costa Rica. He is past editor of the journal Leisure Sciences and founding editor of Play & Culture. He is a past president of the Association for the Anthropological Study of Play and of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research. Dr. Chick is a fellow of the Society for Applied Anthropology and the Academy of Leisure Sciences. His recent publications include “Cultural consonance in leisure activities and self-rated health in six cities in China” (with Erwei Dong & Xiangyou Shen, World Leisure Journal, 2014), “Cultural Consonance in Leisure, Leisure Constraints, Leisure Satisfaction, Life Satisfaction, and Self-Rated Health in Six Cities in Taiwan” (with Y. C. Hsu, C. K. Yeh, C. M. Hsieh, S. Bae, & S. Iarmolenko, Leisure Sciences, 2016), “Games and Their Rhetorics: An Idiosyncratic Appreciation of the Contributions of Brian Sutton-Smith” (Children’s Folklore Review, 2015), and “Anthropology and Leisure” (in G. Walker, D. Scott & M. Stodolska, Leisure Matters: The State and Future of Leisure Studies. State College, PA: Venture Publishing, 2015).

Pennsylvania State University
Area of Study:
Dr. Dattilo is a Professor in the Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management at Penn State University where he teaches about inclusive leisure services and leisure education from an applied, philosophical, and ethical perspective. He received his Ph.D. in Leisure Studies from the University of Illinois. Dr. Dattilo is author of several editions of Inclusive Leisure Services and Leisure Education Program Planning and co-author of Facilitation Techniques in Therapeutic Recreation with Alexis McKeeney and Application of Behavior Analysis in Leisure Contexts with Kari Kensinger. Over the past 30 years he has collaborated with international and domestic interdisciplinary teams of colleagues and students to conduct research resulting in 13 books, 24 book chapters, over 140 articles, 25 funded projects, and over 180 presentations at professional meetings, workshops, and agencies addressing the needs of a variety of people who encounter social-psychological barriers to their leisure. Throughout his career Dr. Dattilo has tried to create opportunities to respectfully understand perceptions of diverse individuals to provide a forum to share their voices and gain insight into ways to assist them in addressing barriers to their leisure so that they become empowered to experience enjoyment and meaning in their lives.

West Virginia University
Area of Study:
Dr. Deng is an Associate Professor in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Resources Program, School of Natural Resources, West Virginia University. He received his Ph.D. in Recreation and Leisure Studies from the University of Alberta, Canada. Dr. Deng’s current research interests focus on ecotourism, tourism planning, rural tourism, and urban forests. He explores subjects such as environmental attitudes and behaviors among ecotourists, GIS applications in recreation and tourism, stakeholders’ attitudes towards rural tourism, and scenic beauty and recreational benefits associated with urban forests. Dr. Deng’s research has been funded by the USDA, Appalachian Regional Commission, Department of Commerce of West Virginia, and Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation. Her research has been published in Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Journal of Travel Research, Leisure Sciences, Journal of Leisure Research, Journal of Environmental Management, Environment and Behavior, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, and other outlets. Dr. Deng has served on the editorial board of EurAsian Journal of BioSciences since 2009 and of Journal of Hospitality Management and Tourism during 2012-2013. He was also invited as Guest Associate Editorfor Journal of Park and Recreation Administration in 2012.

University of Northern Iowa
Area of Study:
Rodney B. Dieser, Ph.D., currently is Professor of Leisure, Youth, and Human Services in the School of Kinesiology, Applied Health, and Human Services at the University of Northern Iowa. His research interests include: (1) leisure education, (2) cross-cultural therapeutic recreation/inclusive recreation and leisure service delivery, (3) cross-national implications of utilizing the United States National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification in Canada and other nations, (4) inclusive recreation for people with disabilities, (5) leisure and mental health, and (6) historical and philosophical foundations of leisure, youth, and human services, including Hull-House, 1889-1953,. Rod has authored or co-authored three academic textbooks in Leisure Studies with two more textbooks soon to be published related to Community Parks and Recreation and Recreation and Leisure Programming. Over the past 20 years he has conduct research resulting in over 70 peer-reviewed research-based publications and over 35 articles in professional-based publications. His research has been published in Alberta Journal of Educational Research, American Journal of Recreation Therapy, Annuals of Therapeutic Recreation, Counseling Psychology Quarterly, Counseling Today, Human Service Education, Journal of Leisure Research, Leisure Science, Leisure Studies, Leisure/Loisir, Therapeutic Recreation Journal, World Leisure Journal and other outlets. In 2006 he received the Outstanding Research Award by the National Therapeutic Recreation Society in the United States. He has also received outstanding research and writing awards by the Alberta Therapeutic Recreation Association (Canada) and the Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association respectfully. In 2010 Rod was inducted as a Senior Fellow in the American Leisure Academy and in 2012 he was inducted as a Senior Fellow in the World Leisure Academy. Rod is also a licensed mental health counselor who works 10 hours a week in a community mental health agency.
North Carolina State University
Area of Study:

Old Dominion University
Area of Study:
Dr. Edwin (Ed) Gómez is a Professor in the Park, Recreation and Tourism Studies (PRTS) Program and Graduate Program Director for the Department of Human Movement Sciences. His research interests include attitudes and perceptions surrounding racial and ethnic perspectives on leisure in outdoor public recreation settings. His recent research articles have outlined behavioral modeling of ethnicity and recreation, with a focus on the acculturation process. Additionally, given that most ethnic and racial groups tend to live in and around urban settings, Dr. Gómez has focused his recent research on urban parks and their role in creating sense of community in neighborhoods, urban proximate parks and use by nontraditional users, and dog parks as a specific type of urban park. Dr. Gómez's most cited work is his Ethnicity and Public Recreation Participation Model. Dr. Gómez has consulted for the U.S. Forest Service and the Army Corps of Engineers. Dr. Gómez was given University Professor distinction at Old Dominion University (ODU) - a distinction given to recognize faculty members at ODU who are outstanding teachers at the undergraduate level. He has been at ODU for 16 years, and teaches courses in diversity, marketing, research methodology, and statistical analysis - as they relate to recreation and tourism. Prior to his time at ODU, Dr. Gómez served in the U.S. Army. He is a veteran, who was promoted to the rank of Sergeant (E-5) at the age of 22, and left the Army with an honorable discharge. Following the Army, he earned a B.S. at Salem State University in Geography; a M.S. at Rochester Institute of Technology in Hospitality and Travel Management; a Ph.D. in Park, Recreation and Tourism Resources with an Urban Studies emphasis; and a M.A in Linguistics at Old Dominion University. His top 3 places in the world is Boston, Italy, and Puerto Rico, and he speaks three languages - English, Spanish, and Italian.

Area of Study:
Daniel S. Mason is a professor of Physical Education and Recreation and adjunct with the School of Business at the University of Alberta. His research focuses on sports leagues and franchises, cities, events, and infrastructure development, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. His work has been published in American Behavioral Scientist, Journal of Sport Management, Journal of Urban Affairs, Economic Development Quarterly, Event Management, Managing Leisure, Economic Inquiry, Contemporary Economic Policy, Tourism Management, and Urban Studies. He was named a North American Society for Sport Management Research Fellow in 2004

Leisure and Recreation Association of South Africa
Area of Study:
Maliga Naidoo graduated with a Bachelor of Pedagogy majoring in Education, Physical Education and History in 1985. Her passion for Leisure and Recreation, lead her to continue her studies in Recreation Management and Exercise Physiology completing an Honours degree in 1990. In 1997 she completed a Masters degree in Recreation Management focusing on employee recreation services. Between 1997 and 2007 Maliga occupied many positions as an “activist” for recreation service delivery in South Africa. As the chair of the Provincial Recreation Council, she represented the province on the board of the South African National Recreation Council as an executive member. In 2001 she was appointed by the Minister of Sport and Recreation as the Commissioner of Recreation to serve on the Board of the South African Sports Commission. Between 2001 and 2008 Maliga was involved in the development of unit standards for recreation and leisure and served as the chair of the Standards Generating Body. As a consultant with the South African Qualifications Authority, she generated vocational qualifications on the Levels 4, 5 and 6 which were registered on the National Qualification Framework. In 2007 Maliga joined the University of KwaZulu Natal as a Lecturer in Leisure Sciences. During her time at the University, as the Academic Co-ordinator for the Department of Sport Science, she initiated the curriculum review, generated new modules, developed a new curriculum with three areas of specialisation and motivated for the renaming of the department as the Department of Biokinetics, Exercise and Leisure Sciences. For the first time in the history of the department a new Leisure Science stream was offered to students as a specialisation. In 2010, as the founding member of the Leisure and Recreation Association of South Africa (LARASA), she was elected as the President. She serves as the member of the executive committee of the World Leisure Organisation. Maliga serves as the host and chair of the 2016 LARASA World Congress to be held in Durban in June 2016. Her interests include curriculum development and standard setting, strategic planning and management, recreation therapy and leisure as a means to transform people and spaces.

Ben-Gurion University of Israel
Area of Study:
Galit Nimrod, Ph.D., is an associate professor at the Department of Communication Studies and a research fellow at the Center for Multidisciplinary Research in Aging at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. She holds a Ph.D. in Communication and Journalism from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and she was a Fulbright post-doctoral scholar in the Gerontology Center and the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies at the University of Georgia, US. Dr. Nimrod studies psychological and sociological aspects of leisure and media use among populations with special needs such as older adults and people with disabilities. In the past few years her studies focused on E-leisure activities and their functions for individuals and various social groups. She published extensively on this topic in leading scientific journals and presented her studies and ideas in numerous international conferences. In 2008 Dr. Nimrod has founded The Leisure and Aging Research Group (LARG). She has also served as a board member of the World Leisure Organization since 2012, and as an associate editor of the Journal of Leisure Research since 2013. In 2016 she was elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Leisure Sciences.

Hong Kong Baptist University
Area of Study:
Prof. Atara Sivan is Associate Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Professor in the Department of Education Studies of Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong. She is the President and Senior Fellow of the World Leisure Academy, the Editor-in-Chief of the World Leisure Journal, Board Member of the World Leisure Organization and the Founder and Chairperson of World Leisure Organization - Hong Kong Chapter. Her research interests are in the areas of youth development and leisure education, curriculum, pedagogy and teacher education. With her expertise in leisure education, she has served as a scientific consultant for the development of the first comprehensive curriculum for schools in Israel. She continues to contribute internationally to the advancement of leisure education through large scale research projects, publications and conference presentations. Among her co-authored books are: Leisure Education Towards the 21st Century; Leisure Education, Community Development and Populations with Special Needs, Leisure Education in School Systems; and, Leisure Education: A Cross-National View. She is also the recipient of numerous local and international awards including the International Award for Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Technology, Hillel Ruskin Memorial Scholar Lecture Award, George Torkildsen Literary Award and 2015 Knowledge Transfer Award.

University of Illinois
Area of Study:
William (Bill) Stewart is a Professor in the Department of Recreation, Sport and Tourism at the University of Illinois. His teaching and research is related to the development of parks and protected areas to improve quality of life and enhance sense of place. Dr. Stewart’s research is concerned with landscape change in urban and rural areas, and recognizes the need to integrate community-based voices into environmental decision-making. He and his colleagues build working relationships with stakeholders to move forward on land management initiatives through the integration of expert, community-based, and experiential knowledge. He co-edited a book entitled Place-based Conservation: Perspectives from the Social Sciences along with Drs. Daniel Williams and Linda Kruger published by Springer-Verlag. Dr. Stewart publishes his research in journals related to recreation, tourism, and landscape planning, such as Journal of Leisure Research, Leisure Sciences, and Landscape and Urban Planning. His research program has been continuously supported by sponsors such as the USDA Forest Service, the USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture, and the US National Park Service, as well as other agencies related to landscape change and park development. Dr. Stewart is a Fellow of the Academy of Leisure Sciences and has served as Treasurer for the Academy since 2010. At the University of Illinois, Dr. Stewart is associated with the Parks and Environmental Behavior Research Group, adjunct faculty with the Department of Landscape Architecture, and serves as the Director of the undergraduate program in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences.

Brock University
Area of Study:
Dr. Trussell is an Associate Professor in the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies at Brock University (Canada). Theoretically she draws on feminist theory principles, and like many gender scholars, Dr. Trussell identifies with an epistemology that embodies aspects of equity, empowerment, and social change for all people. Broadly defined, her research program seeks to understand diverse social contexts and issues of power and social inclusion, particularly related to the family unit and constructs of parenting, children and youth, gender and sexuality, and rurality. In addition, she has a keen interest in the methodological and ethical issues in the research process. The Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada have funded Dr. Trussell’s research. She has written in the areas of family leisure; organized youth sport; the transition to motherhood; the coming out process for LGB young people and their parents; the nightclub culture; and homelessness. Dr. Trussell has served as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Leisure Research since 2011 and is currently serving as the Vice-President/ Treasurer for the Canadian Association for Leisure Studies.

Area of Study:
Ramon B. Zabriskie is a Professor at Brigham Young University in the Department of Recreation Management, in the Marriot School of Management where he is currently the Therapeutic Recreation Program Coordinator. Although he has conducted research and published in several areas including therapeutic recreation, accreditation, and resume development, etc., his line of research focuses primarily on family leisure and family wellness. His work has been published in a variety of academic journals including the Journal of Leisure Research, Leisure Sciences, Therapeutic Recreation Journal, Family Relations, Fathering, Adoption Quarterly, and Marriage & Family Review. Dr. Zabriskie has been honored with numerous teaching and scholarly awards and has served the profession in many capacities including the American Therapeutic Recreation Association Board of Directors, Utah Recreation Therapy Association Board of Directors, Utah Recreational Therapy Licensure Board, as a guest editor or associate editor for Journal of Leisure Research, Therapeutic Recreation Journal, Marriage and Family Review, Journal of Parks & Recreation Administration, etc. and is currently serving on the Board of Directors for The Academy of Leisure Sciences. He is a Fellow in the National Academy of Recreation Therapists and was recently named a Fellow in the Academy of Leisure Sciences. But if you ask him he is simply a husband, father, grandfather, and fly fisherman.
荣誉创始成员/Honorary Founding Members

The Pennsylvania State University
Dr. Godbey is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Management at the Pennsylvania State University. He has obtained his Ph.D. degree from the Penn State University in 1972. Dr. Godbey has authored or co-authored eight books and approximately one hundred articles dealing with leisure behavior, history and philosophies of leisure, leisure service organizations, and the future of leisure and leisure services. He has been President of SPRE and President of the Academy, and has testified before committees of the US Senate and Presidential commissions. Godbey has won the National Literary Award from NRPA and the Distinguished Alumnus Award from SUNY-Cortland. Dr. Godbey has written for and been featured in a wide variety of mass-circulation magazines and newspapers and has been featured extensively on network television. He is a founder of Venture Publishing, a publisher of scholarly books and textbooks in leisure studies. Godbey has given invited presentations in eighteen countries and several of his books and articles have been translated into Chinese, Korean, and Spanish.
Chinese Fellows
河南大学旅游管理系/Department of Tourism Management, Henan University
Area of Study:
Dr. Cheng Suiying is a Professor and Department Head in the Department of Tourism Management at Henan University. He received his Ph.D. in Department of History from the University of Nanjing, China. His research focuses on issues of Chinese culture of tourism and leisure, tourism and health. He explores subjects such as the life satisfaction and traditional culture. Dr. Suiyinghas edited books entitled Leisure Study in North America: Retrospect and Prospect, Race, Chinese Holicay System: A Perspective of Tourism and Leisur, A Study on the Ecological Environment of Kaifeng in Tang and Song Dynasties. His research has also been published in Tourism Tribune, Tourism Science, Journal of Human Geography and other outlets.
Area of Study:
East China Normal University
Area of Study:
Dr. Xuegang Feng is a Professor and Dean in the School of Business Administration at East China Normal University. He received his Ph.D. in Urban and Resource Sciences from Nanjing University, China. His research focuses on issues of leisure space in urban areas. He has been engaged in a longitudinal study of tourism planning and management in China. He has conducted more than 40 tourism related projects all over China, including projects supported by the National Social Science Fund and the Education Ministry, the Major Decision-Making Consulting Research Base of Shanghai Municipal People's Government, and projects funded by the National Tourism Administration and the Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration. He served as editors of journals such as Chinese Journal of Management Science, Chinese Journal of Management, Tourism Tribune, World Economy Study, Shanghai Economy Study, Economic Geography, Journal of Natural Resources. His research has also been published in Tourism Tribune, Chinese Journal of Management Science, Chinese Journal of Management and other outlets. Professor Feng won the award for “The 7th Shanghai Government Decision-making Consultation,” and the second and the third prize for the “Shanghai First Tourism Decision-making Consultation.”In 2011, Professor Feng’s book received the honor for the “Outstanding Academic Work in China’s Tourism Research.”
ZheJiang University
Area of Study:
Dr. Huimei Liu is a Professor and Director of International Communications of the Asia Pacific Centre for the Education and Study of Leisure (APCL), Zhejiang University. She received her Ph.D. in Education from Zhejiang University, China. Her research focuses on leisure and happiness, the effect of Chinese traditional culture on Chinese people’s leisure, and leisure policy. She is also interested in areas such as leisure and community development, leisure and positive aging, leisure and health, and cross-cultural perspectives on leisure. Dr. Liu’s research has been funded by the Chinese Social Science Fund, Zhejiang Sports Bureau, and Hangzhou Tourism Bureau. In 2014, Dr. Liu published a book Urbanization and Leisure Sports. Her research has also been published in Leisure Sciences, Leisure Studies,Social Indicators Research, Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences)and other international and Chinese journals.
ZheJiang University
Area of Study:
Dr. Liyong Pan received his B.A. in Arts from the Zhejiang Normal University, M.A. in Literature from the Nanjing University, and Ph.D. in Aesthetics from the Fudan University. Dr. Pan was also a visiting scholar in London University, Durham University, and Harvard University. In recent years, he has investigated subjects such as Chinese classical aesthetics and philosophy of culture, and cultural studies as related to tourism and leisure. Dr. Pan is currently a Professor and Supervisor of the Department of Philosophy of the College of Humanities at Zhejiang University, Director of the Chinese Institute of Aesthetics, a member of the Aesthetics National Youth Council, Vice Director of the Asia-Pacific Research Center for the Study of Leisure (APCL) at the Zhejiang University, and Director of the Center for Humanistic Tourism Research at the Zhejiang University. Dr. Pan has published seven monographs, a translation monograph, and more than 150 academic papers.
ZheJiang University
Area of Study:
ZheJiang University
Area of Study:
Dr. Wanfei Wang is a Professor in the Department of Tourism Management at the Zhejiang University, China. She received her Ph.D. in Management from the Zhejiang University, China. Her research focuses on issues of time-share, consumer behavior and hospitality. She explores subjects such as rural tourism in the Zhejiang Province, psychology in tourism, and time-share in China. Other subjects that are prominent in her research include religious themed tourism research, motivations in rural tourism, consumer behaviors in leisure study, as well as hospitality management. Dr. Wang has edited books entitled Recreation Management and Psychological in Tourism. She has also co-edited a book entitled Rural Tourism: Cases from Zhejiang Province. Her research has also been published in Annals of Tourism Research and Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research.
People University of China
Area of Study:
Dr. Qi Yan Wang is a Professor in the School of Statistics and in the School of Continuing Education at the People University of China, a Director of the China Center for Leisure Economic Research, and Editor of Japan English magazine "JESN" (Northeast Asia Economic Science). He received his Ph.D. in Economics from the People University of China. His research focuses on issues of time allocation, leisure economy, macroeconomic statistical analysis and human resource management. Dr. Wang’s work has been funded by the Ministry of Education, Beijing "Fifteen" Social Science Planning Project, NDRC "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" Research Project, and Capital Normal University Major Research Projects. He has edited books entitled National Life Research, Chinese People Time Allocation and City Residents Time Allocation, Leisure Economy, and Human Resource Management. His research has also been published in Erinareport, JESNA, Management World, Statistical Research, People's Daily, Guangming Daily and other outlets.
University of International Business and Economics
Area of Study:
Dr. Chengzhong Wu is a Professor in the School of Public Administration, University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) and the founder and Director of the Culture and Leisure Industries Research Center of UIBE. He received his Ph.D. in Historical Geography from Peking University, China. His research focuses on issues of leisure planning, leisure policy, and leisure economy. He examined subjects such as the development of Beijing’s leisure industry driven by the Olympic Games and the relationship between the Olympic Games and leisure economy of the host city. Based on the findings of his research, he provided recommendations for the development of leisure economy in the post Olympic period. Other subjects prominent in his research include: leisure behavior of urban residents in Beijing, characteristics of Chinese adolescents’ leisure, as well as the competition mode, efficiency and government regulation of leisure service industry. Dr. Wu’s research has been funded by the National Social Science Fund, Beijing Social Science Fund, China's Communist Youth League and Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. He has published books entitled Leisure Economic Development and Public Management in Foreign Countries and Urban History of Beijing: Leisure Geography in Ming and Qing Dynasties. His research has also been published in Urban Problems, Acta Geographica Sinica, Social Science of Beijing, Journal of Wuhan University and other outlets. Dr. Wu is also the founder and Chairman of the International Cultural Administration Conference.
成员 (中国)/Chinese Regular Members
School of Tourism Management, Sun Yat-sen University
Tourist behaviors, Destination marketing
School of History, Culture and Tourism, Jiangsu Normal University
Destination marketing, Consumer behavior, Leisure behavior
College of History and Culture, Henan University
Urban leisure research
大连大学/Dalian University
Area of Study:
Dr. Cui Guangbin is an Associate Professor in the Tourism College of Dalian University. He graduated from the Heilongjiang University, China. His research focuses on tourism resources and product development, as well as leisure needs and motivations. He has led research projects on ecological civilization and tourism development and exploitation of tourism commodities. One of his latest research projects focused on the northern ethnic culture in ancient China (funded by the China's National Social Science Fund). His research has been published in Ethno-National Studies, Northern Cultural Relics, Manchu Minority Research, Academic Exchange, Culture Journal, and other outlets.
School of culture and art management,Dalian Art College
Tourism management
忻州师范学院旅游管理系/Xinzhou Teachers University
Area of Study:
Dr. Wenyong Feng is a Professor and Department Head in the Department of Tourism Management at the Xinzhou Teachers University in the Shanxi Province of China. He received his Ph.D. in the College of Earth and Environmental Sciences of the Lanzhou University, China. His research focuses on issues of tourist needs and tourist motivations. Other subjects that are prominent in his research include cross-regional tourism cooperation and tourism planning. In September 2015, Dr. Feng published a book entitled Tourism Environment of Wutai Mountain National Scenic Spot.
Department of Tourism, Fudan University
Tourism planning, Tourism marketing, Tourism geography
山东大学(威海)University of Shandong at Weihai
Area of Study:
Dr. Guosheng Han is an Associate Professor in the Department of Tourism and Associate Head of the Institute of Tourism Planning at the University of Shandong at Weihai. He received his Ph.D. in Tourism Geography and Planning from the University of Nanjing, China. His research focuses on issues of tourism and recreation geographies. He explores tourism and recreational geographies in Chinese-speaking areas, including Mainland China, Taiwan and Hongkong. Dr. Han’s research has been funded by the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province of China. He co-edited a book entitled "Mountain Tourism" with Dr. Alan Lew. He is the Chinese Abstract Editor of Tourism Geographies and an ad-hoc reviewer for Tourism Geographies (indexed by SSCI), Mountain Developmentand Research (indexed by SSCI), Tourism Management Perspective, International Journal of Heritage Tourism, Geographical Research, Geographical Science, Journal of Natural Resource, Resource Science, Tourism Tribune, Tourism Science, World Regional Studies and others. His research has been published in Tourism Geographies (indexed by SSCI), Mountain Developmentand Research (indexed by SSCI), Tourism Management Perspective, International Journal of Heritage Tourism, Geographical Research, Geographical Science, Journal of Natural Resource, Resource Science, Tourism Tribune, Tourism Science, World Regional Studies and other outlets.
Dalian Art College
Tourism culture, Leisure culture
湖南师范大学Hunan Normal University
Dr. Xiaorong He is a Professor and Department Head in the Department of Tourism Management at the Hunan Normal University. He received his Ph.D. in Tourism Management from the Renmin University of China in 2008. His research focuses on issues of climate change and tourism development, as well as cultural influence on heritage tourism. In 2013, his project on the Protection of Village Based Ethnic Groups’ Intangible Cultural Heritage was supported by a grant from The National Social Science Fund of China.
School of International Business, Zhejiang International Studies University
Urban leisure and happiness, Tourists experience
郑州大学/Zheng zhou University
Area of Study:
Dr. Caiyu Jin is an Associate Professor and the Director of China and South Korea Tourism Planning Center at the University of Zhengzhou. She received her Ph.D. in management from the University of Kangwon, South Korea. Her research focuses on issues of tourism impacts and the quality of life. She explores subjects such as the impact of tourist experience on tourist satisfaction and the well-being of local residents. Her papers have been published in Asia-Pacific Journal of Business, Korean Journal of Tourism Research, Korea Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, and Journal of Travel Study.
山东大学(威海)Shandong University (Weihai)
Area of Study:
Dr. Haiyan Kong is a Professor and Associate Dean of Business Schol, Shandong University (Weihai). She received her Ph.D. in human resource management from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. Her research focuses on issues of human resource management, special tourism, and motivation for leisure behavior. She explores subjects such as the expectation and satisfaction of outbound tourism and ecotourism, as well as human resource issues in the hospitality and tourism industry. Dr. Kong’s research has been funded by the Ministry of Education, China. Her research has been published in the International Journal of Hospitality Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, and other outlets.
Department of Tourism, Fudan University
Ecotourism, Tourism marketing
华侨大学/Huaqiao University
Area of Study:
Dr. Li is a Professor and Associate Department Head in the Department of Tourism at the Huaqiao University. He received his Master’s Degree in Physical Geography from Xinjiang University, China. Dr. Li’s research focuses on issues of leisure space, city leisure, and urban leisure space construction. He explores subjects such as re-construction of urban leisure space, the alienation of leisure space, and ecological energy value. Dr. Li’s research has been funded by The Humanities and Social Science Project of the Ministry of Education of China and Social Science Project of the Fujian Province. Dr. Li co-edited a book entitled “The Management of Visitor Attractions.” His research has also been published in the Journal of Ecology, Wetland Science and other outlets.
Department of tourism and hospitality management, Temple University
Destination marketing, Tourism behavior and psychology
Guangzhou Sports University
Social sports, Recreational sports
Department of Tourism Management,Hubei University
Tourism marketing, tourists behavior, tourism impacts
福建师范大学旅游研究所/ Tourism Institute of Fujian Normal University
Area of Study:
Dr. Lin Lan is a Professor and Master Tutor of human geography at the Tourism Institute of Fujian Normal University. She is the member of Tourism Geography Specialized Committee of the Geographical Society of China and an Executive Director of the Tourism Institute in Fujian. She received her B.S. and M.S .degrees from the Fujian Normal University and her Ph.D. degree from the Urban and Resource Department of the Nanjing University. From April to November in 2010 she was a visiting scholar in the Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management at the Penn State University. Dr. Lan’s research focuses on issues of leisure and tourism geography, and therapeutic recreation. She explores leisure spaces in urban areas, including fitness leisure spaces and tourism commercial spaces. Her research has been funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Shandong University at Weihai
Area of Study:
Dr. Aijing Liu is an Assistant Professor in the Business School at the Shandong University at Weihai. She received her Ph.D. in Hospitality Administration from the Oklahoma State Univeristy, U.S. Her research focuses on issues of tourist pro-environmental behavior and tourism marketing. She studies travelers' green behaviors in destinations, their attitudes and intrinsic motivations for green behaviors, rural ecotourism, and tourist experiences. Dr. Liu has published her research in journals such as Tourism Management Perspective.
Dalian Art College
Tourism management, Applied psychology
School of Economics and Management, Changzhou Institute of Technology
Leisure hahavior, leisure economy and leisure consumption
Tourism macroeconomic research, Industrial planning, Leisure urbanism
School of Tourism Management,Beijing International Studies University
Tourism branding, Tourism information and media, Cultural performance
东北师范大学/Northeast Normal University
Area of Study:
Dr. Meng Aiyun is an Associate Professor in the Department of Tourism Management at the Northeast Normal University. She received her Ph.D. in Physical Geography from the Nanjing University, China. Her research focuses on issues of tourism transportation, slow tourism, and museum interpretation. She edited books entitled "An Illustration of Chinese High Mountain" and "The Tourism Resource Development and Planning." Her research has also been published in Tourism Development Study, Heilongjiang Social Science, Tourism Forum, and Academic Exchange.
西班牙阿利坎特大学Inteligencia Turística Transnacional
Area of Study:
Xing Peng is a Doctoral Candidate in the Institute for Tourism Research, Spain. She received her Master’s Degree in Tourism Management and Planning from the University of Oviedo, Spain. Her research focuses on market entry strategy, hospitality industry business model, and Silk Road international business. She is involved in the “Tourism Intelligence Unit,” which is certificated by The Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR), for the Silk Road international tourism market and issues of cultural change. She is the Editor of Global Tourism Watch digital magazine.
School of Geography and Tourism,Guangdong University of Finance and Economy
Human geography, Tourism planning and management, Leisure management
School of Business and Management, Donghua University
Tourism consumption, Tourism Sociology
Chengdu Sports University
Area of Study:
Prof. Jiangping Shu graduated from the Chengdu Sports University in 1982. He has been appointed a Professor at the Chengdu Sports University, Head of the teaching and research section of the Department of Leisure Sports, and Outstanding Contribution Excellent Expert in the Sichuan Province. His main research interests are in the public service of leisure sports, talent cultivation in leisure sports, leisure sports industry, and sports tourism. Prof. Shu has served as a PI on one National Social Science Fund Project, three provincial level projects, and one bureau level project. He is also the main co-editor of five books, including “The Route Research on Public Service of Leisure Sports in China,” “The Basic Theory about Leisure Sports Activity,” “The Tourism of Sport for All,” and “Fencing for All.” Prof. Shu published more than 60 journal articles delivered presentations at international conferences.
大连大学/Dalian University
Area of Study:
Dr. Weiling Su is a Professor and Dean of the Tourism College at Dalian University. She received her Ph.D. in Management Sciences and Engineering from Tianjin University, China. Her research focuses on issues of tourism and leisure management, and tourism enterprises evaluation. She explores subjects such as the tourism planning, leisure in the modern city, tourism and leisure ethnic theories and practices. Dr. Weiling Su’s research has been funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Social Science Foundation of Liaoning Province, and tourism and leisure enterprises. Her research has been published in the Journal of ICIC Express Letters, Tourism Overviews, Journal of Managers and other outlets.
Department of Tourism Management,Dalian Art College
Tourism management, Tourism planning
Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science
Tourism economy, Service economy, Leisure economy
Department of National Economic Strategy,Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science
Tourism economic growth, Inbound tourism management, Tourism marketing management
School of Hospitality Management,Beijing International Studies University
Hospitality management, Strategic human resource management
School of Tourist Management,Hunan University of Commerce
Department of National Economic Strategy,Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science
Tourism investment and financing, Sustainable tourism development, Leisure education
Department of Tourism,Fudan University
Tourism marketing, Big data, Touirsm industry development
Dalian Art College
Tourism management, Modern and contemporary history of China
天津财经大学/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics
Area of Study:
Dr. Xie Fang is a Professor in the Tourism Management Department of the Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, China. She received her MBA from the Oklahoma State University and a Ph.D. in environmental economics from the Nankai University, China. Her research focuses on tourismization of intangible cultural heritage, tourism ecological and environmental management, agricultural leisure, and tourism resources governance. In 2010, Dr. Fang published a book titled “Tourism ecological and environmental management.” Her recent research projects include: “The environmental management and auditing of tourism clusters” (funded by the Ministry of Education of China), “Place Attachment and Reproduction of Intangible Cultural Heritage” (funded by the Tianjin Art Science Planned Program), “Study on Tourism Environmental Auditing” (funded by the Tianjin Social Science Planned Program), and “Empowerment mechanism during the tourismification process” (funded by cultural resources of the Nationally-Sponsored Funding Program for Social Sciences).
Area of Study:
Department of Tourism, Fudan University
Tourism marketing, Tourism culture, Tourism education
Department of National Economic Strategy, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science
Tourism planning and marketing, Tourism theory, Sustainable tourism development
Department of Social Sports and Leisure Sports, Xi'an Physical Education University
Sport humanities and sociology, Social sport, Leisure culture, Sport tourism
School of Economics,Trade and Event Management,Beijing International Studies University
Travel insurane, Tourism behavior, Behaviroal finance, Risk Securitization
中国艺术研究院/Chinese National Academy of Arts
Area of Study:
Ms. Yang Nai is an assistant researcher in the Chinese National Academy of Arts. She also works in the International Training Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO (CRHAP). Ms. Yang graduated in 2004 from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) with a Master's degree. Her research focuses on issues of Chinese traditional culture, folklore, folk literature, and their contribution to the construction of leisure spaces and psychological health. She explores subjects such as leisure behavior and happiness among low-income groups and the effects of social structure inequality on people's leisure pursuits. Some of her research has been funded by the Chinese National Academy of Arts. Her research has been published in Leisure Study in China, Beijing Social Leisure Sciences Review, Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and other outlets.
Institution of Meeting and Event Management, Tianjin University of Commerce
Meeting and event management, traditional Chinese philosophy
南京农业大学Nanjing Agricultural University
Area of Study:
Dr. Yin Yan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Tourism Management at the Nanjing Agricultural University. She received her Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics and Management from the Nanjing Agricultural University, China. Her research focuses on agricultural leisure and rural tourism. Other subjects that are prominent in her research include tourist consumption behavior in leisure settings. Dr. Yin has been funded by CNTA. She is a co-editor of the Jiangsu Agricultural Leisure Development Report (2012-2015).
上海社会科学院/Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
Area of Study:
Dr. Qiuyang Yu is an Associate Professor in the Institute of National Economy at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. She received her Ph.D. degree in world economy from the East China Normal University. Her research focuses on tourism industry economy, tourism destination management, and sustainable development of tourism destinations. She explores subjects such as leisure economics, leisure holiday products, and the structural problems of leisure consumption of Shanghai residents. Other subjects that are prominent in her research include the potential of anti-season tourism, the brand competitiveness of Chinese tourism enterprises, and the factors affecting tourism industry potential. Dr. Yu’s research on the distribution of regional tourism industry factors in the age of high-speed railway has been funded by the National Social Science Foundation, the National Tourism Administration of Tourism Youth Expert Training Program and Science and Technology Research Project of the Shanghai Normal University. Dr. Yu edited books entitled "An Introductory Guide to MICE Industry," "Tourism Planning," "Study on the Potential and Competitiveness of Tourism Industry in China" and "Leisure Economy." Her research has also been published in Tourism Tribune, Human Geography, Journal of Social Sciences, Economic Forum, Tourism Forum, Shanghai Economy, Chinese Journal of Management and other outlets.
School of Hospitality Management,Jinan University
Tourism carrying capacity, Tourism Economy
安徽师范大学Anhui Normal University
Area of Study:
Dr. Hongmei Zhang is a Professor in the College of Tourism, Anhui Normal University, China. She specializes in tourist behavior and tourism destination marketing. She received her Bachelor's degree in Education from the Anhui Normal University in 1992, Masters of Science degree from the Anhui Normal University in 2005, and Ph.D. degree from the Anhui Normal University in 2010. Dr. Zhang has been a visiting scholar at the State University of New York College at Oneonta and at Purdue University. She has completed over 15 teaching and scientific research projects funded by national and provincial/department institutions. She is an author or editor of 6 books and more than 30 publications in Chinese and international journals, such as Tourism Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, Journal of China Tourism Research, Tourism Tribune, Tourism Science, Human Geography, and others. Dr. Zhang has won two awards at the provincial or ministerial level and a Best Paper Award from Tourism Tribune. She also has completed many consultancy projects from for the Chinese government and private companies, and has given lectures and delivered reports to public and private institutions.
中山大学/Sun Yat-sen University
Area of Study:
Dr. Hongxing Zhang is a Lecturer in the Sports Department and a coach of aerobics team at the Sun Yat-sen University. He will receive a doctoral degree in June, 2016. His research project focuses on the relationships among motivation, constraints, experience and intention to revisit among leisure sports tourists in the sports resorts of the Pearl River delta. His future research will focus on physical education teaching and training, events organization and management, and leisure sports. In 2011, he co-edited a textbook entitled University’s Physical Health Theory and Practice. His research has also been published in the Journal of Guangzhou Sport University, Bulletin of Sport Science and Technology, Journal of Tongren University and other outlets.
宁波市委党校/Ningbo Municipal Administration College
Area of Study:
Dr. Zhang Yajing is a Professor at the Ningbo Municipal Administration College. His main research interests are in leisure philosophy and philosophy of science and technology. His research studies have explored leisure life support systems, characteristics of a leisure city, characteristics of urban leisure culture, leisure values, the relationship between science and technology and leisure, green development, ecological civilization, green consumption, and green modernization. His is the author of "Research on the support system of leisure cultural life." Dr. Zhang is a member of the editorial board and the main contributor to a series of books on green development and innovation. The books in this series included "Green development and innovation in the global perspective," "Dynamic mechanism of green development ," and "The thought of green development: From light green to deep green." He has also published more than 30 research papers on green development, leisure life, and leisure culture. Dr. Zhang's papers have appeared in Natural Dialectics Research, Research on Philosophy of Science and Technology, Scientific Socialism, and Chinese Communist Party School Journal. Dr. Zhang is also an Executive Director and Deputy Secretary General of Science and Technology Innovation specialized committee of China Natural Dialectics Research Association, a Standing Director of Leisure Philosophy Specialized Committee of China Natural Dialectics Research Association, a member of the World Leisure Organization, and a member of Leisure Society of Zhejiang Province.
Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science
Leisure tourism, Red tourism, Rural tourism, International cooperation
Northwest University, China
Tourism management, Tourism economy
Department of National Economic Strategy, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science
Tourism investment and financing
Business Department of Shandong University
Tourism growth, Tourism business management, Tourism Planning
School of Tourism Management, Sun Yat-sen University
Tourism theory, Tourism impact, Tourism Economy
荣誉创始成员/Honorary Founding Members

The Pennsylvania State University
Dr. Godbey is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Management at the Pennsylvania State University. He has obtained his Ph.D. degree from the Penn State University in 1972. Dr. Godbey has authored or co-authored eight books and approximately one hundred articles dealing with leisure behavior, history and philosophies of leisure, leisure service organizations, and the future of leisure and leisure services. He has been President of SPRE and President of the Academy, and has testified before committees of the US Senate and Presidential commissions. Godbey has won the National Literary Award from NRPA and the Distinguished Alumnus Award from SUNY-Cortland. Dr. Godbey has written for and been featured in a wide variety of mass-circulation magazines and newspapers and has been featured extensively on network television. He is a founder of Venture Publishing, a publisher of scholarly books and textbooks in leisure studies. Godbey has given invited presentations in eighteen countries and several of his books and articles have been translated into Chinese, Korean, and Spanish.
Chinese Fellows
河南大学旅游管理系/Department of Tourism Management, Henan University
Area of Study:
Dr. Cheng Suiying is a Professor and Department Head in the Department of Tourism Management at Henan University. He received his Ph.D. in Department of History from the University of Nanjing, China. His research focuses on issues of Chinese culture of tourism and leisure, tourism and health. He explores subjects such as the life satisfaction and traditional culture. Dr. Suiyinghas edited books entitled Leisure Study in North America: Retrospect and Prospect, Race, Chinese Holicay System: A Perspective of Tourism and Leisur, A Study on the Ecological Environment of Kaifeng in Tang and Song Dynasties. His research has also been published in Tourism Tribune, Tourism Science, Journal of Human Geography and other outlets.
Area of Study:
East China Normal University
Area of Study:
Dr. Xuegang Feng is a Professor and Dean in the School of Business Administration at East China Normal University. He received his Ph.D. in Urban and Resource Sciences from Nanjing University, China. His research focuses on issues of leisure space in urban areas. He has been engaged in a longitudinal study of tourism planning and management in China. He has conducted more than 40 tourism related projects all over China, including projects supported by the National Social Science Fund and the Education Ministry, the Major Decision-Making Consulting Research Base of Shanghai Municipal People's Government, and projects funded by the National Tourism Administration and the Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration. He served as editors of journals such as Chinese Journal of Management Science, Chinese Journal of Management, Tourism Tribune, World Economy Study, Shanghai Economy Study, Economic Geography, Journal of Natural Resources. His research has also been published in Tourism Tribune, Chinese Journal of Management Science, Chinese Journal of Management and other outlets. Professor Feng won the award for “The 7th Shanghai Government Decision-making Consultation,” and the second and the third prize for the “Shanghai First Tourism Decision-making Consultation.”In 2011, Professor Feng’s book received the honor for the “Outstanding Academic Work in China’s Tourism Research.”
ZheJiang University
Area of Study:
Dr. Huimei Liu is a Professor and Director of International Communications of the Asia Pacific Centre for the Education and Study of Leisure (APCL), Zhejiang University. She received her Ph.D. in Education from Zhejiang University, China. Her research focuses on leisure and happiness, the effect of Chinese traditional culture on Chinese people’s leisure, and leisure policy. She is also interested in areas such as leisure and community development, leisure and positive aging, leisure and health, and cross-cultural perspectives on leisure. Dr. Liu’s research has been funded by the Chinese Social Science Fund, Zhejiang Sports Bureau, and Hangzhou Tourism Bureau. In 2014, Dr. Liu published a book Urbanization and Leisure Sports. Her research has also been published in Leisure Sciences, Leisure Studies,Social Indicators Research, Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences)and other international and Chinese journals.
ZheJiang University
Area of Study:
Dr. Liyong Pan received his B.A. in Arts from the Zhejiang Normal University, M.A. in Literature from the Nanjing University, and Ph.D. in Aesthetics from the Fudan University. Dr. Pan was also a visiting scholar in London University, Durham University, and Harvard University. In recent years, he has investigated subjects such as Chinese classical aesthetics and philosophy of culture, and cultural studies as related to tourism and leisure. Dr. Pan is currently a Professor and Supervisor of the Department of Philosophy of the College of Humanities at Zhejiang University, Director of the Chinese Institute of Aesthetics, a member of the Aesthetics National Youth Council, Vice Director of the Asia-Pacific Research Center for the Study of Leisure (APCL) at the Zhejiang University, and Director of the Center for Humanistic Tourism Research at the Zhejiang University. Dr. Pan has published seven monographs, a translation monograph, and more than 150 academic papers.
ZheJiang University
Area of Study:
ZheJiang University
Area of Study:
Dr. Wanfei Wang is a Professor in the Department of Tourism Management at the Zhejiang University, China. She received her Ph.D. in Management from the Zhejiang University, China. Her research focuses on issues of time-share, consumer behavior and hospitality. She explores subjects such as rural tourism in the Zhejiang Province, psychology in tourism, and time-share in China. Other subjects that are prominent in her research include religious themed tourism research, motivations in rural tourism, consumer behaviors in leisure study, as well as hospitality management. Dr. Wang has edited books entitled Recreation Management and Psychological in Tourism. She has also co-edited a book entitled Rural Tourism: Cases from Zhejiang Province. Her research has also been published in Annals of Tourism Research and Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research.
People University of China
Area of Study:
Dr. Qi Yan Wang is a Professor in the School of Statistics and in the School of Continuing Education at the People University of China, a Director of the China Center for Leisure Economic Research, and Editor of Japan English magazine "JESN" (Northeast Asia Economic Science). He received his Ph.D. in Economics from the People University of China. His research focuses on issues of time allocation, leisure economy, macroeconomic statistical analysis and human resource management. Dr. Wang’s work has been funded by the Ministry of Education, Beijing "Fifteen" Social Science Planning Project, NDRC "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" Research Project, and Capital Normal University Major Research Projects. He has edited books entitled National Life Research, Chinese People Time Allocation and City Residents Time Allocation, Leisure Economy, and Human Resource Management. His research has also been published in Erinareport, JESNA, Management World, Statistical Research, People's Daily, Guangming Daily and other outlets.
University of International Business and Economics
Area of Study:
Dr. Chengzhong Wu is a Professor in the School of Public Administration, University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) and the founder and Director of the Culture and Leisure Industries Research Center of UIBE. He received his Ph.D. in Historical Geography from Peking University, China. His research focuses on issues of leisure planning, leisure policy, and leisure economy. He examined subjects such as the development of Beijing’s leisure industry driven by the Olympic Games and the relationship between the Olympic Games and leisure economy of the host city. Based on the findings of his research, he provided recommendations for the development of leisure economy in the post Olympic period. Other subjects prominent in his research include: leisure behavior of urban residents in Beijing, characteristics of Chinese adolescents’ leisure, as well as the competition mode, efficiency and government regulation of leisure service industry. Dr. Wu’s research has been funded by the National Social Science Fund, Beijing Social Science Fund, China's Communist Youth League and Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. He has published books entitled Leisure Economic Development and Public Management in Foreign Countries and Urban History of Beijing: Leisure Geography in Ming and Qing Dynasties. His research has also been published in Urban Problems, Acta Geographica Sinica, Social Science of Beijing, Journal of Wuhan University and other outlets. Dr. Wu is also the founder and Chairman of the International Cultural Administration Conference.
成员 (中国)/Chinese Regular Members
School of Tourism Management, Sun Yat-sen University
Tourist behaviors, Destination marketing
School of History, Culture and Tourism, Jiangsu Normal University
Destination marketing, Consumer behavior, Leisure behavior
College of History and Culture, Henan University
Urban leisure research
大连大学/Dalian University
Area of Study:
Dr. Cui Guangbin is an Associate Professor in the Tourism College of Dalian University. He graduated from the Heilongjiang University, China. His research focuses on tourism resources and product development, as well as leisure needs and motivations. He has led research projects on ecological civilization and tourism development and exploitation of tourism commodities. One of his latest research projects focused on the northern ethnic culture in ancient China (funded by the China's National Social Science Fund). His research has been published in Ethno-National Studies, Northern Cultural Relics, Manchu Minority Research, Academic Exchange, Culture Journal, and other outlets.
School of culture and art management,Dalian Art College
Tourism management
忻州师范学院旅游管理系/Xinzhou Teachers University
Area of Study:
Dr. Wenyong Feng is a Professor and Department Head in the Department of Tourism Management at the Xinzhou Teachers University in the Shanxi Province of China. He received his Ph.D. in the College of Earth and Environmental Sciences of the Lanzhou University, China. His research focuses on issues of tourist needs and tourist motivations. Other subjects that are prominent in his research include cross-regional tourism cooperation and tourism planning. In September 2015, Dr. Feng published a book entitled Tourism Environment of Wutai Mountain National Scenic Spot.
Department of Tourism, Fudan University
Tourism planning, Tourism marketing, Tourism geography
山东大学(威海)University of Shandong at Weihai
Area of Study:
Dr. Guosheng Han is an Associate Professor in the Department of Tourism and Associate Head of the Institute of Tourism Planning at the University of Shandong at Weihai. He received his Ph.D. in Tourism Geography and Planning from the University of Nanjing, China. His research focuses on issues of tourism and recreation geographies. He explores tourism and recreational geographies in Chinese-speaking areas, including Mainland China, Taiwan and Hongkong. Dr. Han’s research has been funded by the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province of China. He co-edited a book entitled "Mountain Tourism" with Dr. Alan Lew. He is the Chinese Abstract Editor of Tourism Geographies and an ad-hoc reviewer for Tourism Geographies (indexed by SSCI), Mountain Developmentand Research (indexed by SSCI), Tourism Management Perspective, International Journal of Heritage Tourism, Geographical Research, Geographical Science, Journal of Natural Resource, Resource Science, Tourism Tribune, Tourism Science, World Regional Studies and others. His research has been published in Tourism Geographies (indexed by SSCI), Mountain Developmentand Research (indexed by SSCI), Tourism Management Perspective, International Journal of Heritage Tourism, Geographical Research, Geographical Science, Journal of Natural Resource, Resource Science, Tourism Tribune, Tourism Science, World Regional Studies and other outlets.
Dalian Art College
Tourism culture, Leisure culture
湖南师范大学Hunan Normal University
Dr. Xiaorong He is a Professor and Department Head in the Department of Tourism Management at the Hunan Normal University. He received his Ph.D. in Tourism Management from the Renmin University of China in 2008. His research focuses on issues of climate change and tourism development, as well as cultural influence on heritage tourism. In 2013, his project on the Protection of Village Based Ethnic Groups’ Intangible Cultural Heritage was supported by a grant from The National Social Science Fund of China.
School of International Business, Zhejiang International Studies University
Urban leisure and happiness, Tourists experience
郑州大学/Zheng zhou University
Area of Study:
Dr. Caiyu Jin is an Associate Professor and the Director of China and South Korea Tourism Planning Center at the University of Zhengzhou. She received her Ph.D. in management from the University of Kangwon, South Korea. Her research focuses on issues of tourism impacts and the quality of life. She explores subjects such as the impact of tourist experience on tourist satisfaction and the well-being of local residents. Her papers have been published in Asia-Pacific Journal of Business, Korean Journal of Tourism Research, Korea Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, and Journal of Travel Study.
山东大学(威海)Shandong University (Weihai)
Area of Study:
Dr. Haiyan Kong is a Professor and Associate Dean of Business Schol, Shandong University (Weihai). She received her Ph.D. in human resource management from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. Her research focuses on issues of human resource management, special tourism, and motivation for leisure behavior. She explores subjects such as the expectation and satisfaction of outbound tourism and ecotourism, as well as human resource issues in the hospitality and tourism industry. Dr. Kong’s research has been funded by the Ministry of Education, China. Her research has been published in the International Journal of Hospitality Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, and other outlets.
Department of Tourism, Fudan University
Ecotourism, Tourism marketing
华侨大学/Huaqiao University
Area of Study:
Dr. Li is a Professor and Associate Department Head in the Department of Tourism at the Huaqiao University. He received his Master’s Degree in Physical Geography from Xinjiang University, China. Dr. Li’s research focuses on issues of leisure space, city leisure, and urban leisure space construction. He explores subjects such as re-construction of urban leisure space, the alienation of leisure space, and ecological energy value. Dr. Li’s research has been funded by The Humanities and Social Science Project of the Ministry of Education of China and Social Science Project of the Fujian Province. Dr. Li co-edited a book entitled “The Management of Visitor Attractions.” His research has also been published in the Journal of Ecology, Wetland Science and other outlets.
Department of tourism and hospitality management, Temple University
Destination marketing, Tourism behavior and psychology
Guangzhou Sports University
Social sports, Recreational sports
Department of Tourism Management,Hubei University
Tourism marketing, tourists behavior, tourism impacts
福建师范大学旅游研究所/ Tourism Institute of Fujian Normal University
Area of Study:
Dr. Lin Lan is a Professor and Master Tutor of human geography at the Tourism Institute of Fujian Normal University. She is the member of Tourism Geography Specialized Committee of the Geographical Society of China and an Executive Director of the Tourism Institute in Fujian. She received her B.S. and M.S .degrees from the Fujian Normal University and her Ph.D. degree from the Urban and Resource Department of the Nanjing University. From April to November in 2010 she was a visiting scholar in the Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management at the Penn State University. Dr. Lan’s research focuses on issues of leisure and tourism geography, and therapeutic recreation. She explores leisure spaces in urban areas, including fitness leisure spaces and tourism commercial spaces. Her research has been funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Shandong University at Weihai
Area of Study:
Dr. Aijing Liu is an Assistant Professor in the Business School at the Shandong University at Weihai. She received her Ph.D. in Hospitality Administration from the Oklahoma State Univeristy, U.S. Her research focuses on issues of tourist pro-environmental behavior and tourism marketing. She studies travelers' green behaviors in destinations, their attitudes and intrinsic motivations for green behaviors, rural ecotourism, and tourist experiences. Dr. Liu has published her research in journals such as Tourism Management Perspective.
Dalian Art College
Tourism management, Applied psychology
School of Economics and Management, Changzhou Institute of Technology
Leisure hahavior, leisure economy and leisure consumption
Tourism macroeconomic research, Industrial planning, Leisure urbanism
School of Tourism Management,Beijing International Studies University
Tourism branding, Tourism information and media, Cultural performance
东北师范大学/Northeast Normal University
Area of Study:
Dr. Meng Aiyun is an Associate Professor in the Department of Tourism Management at the Northeast Normal University. She received her Ph.D. in Physical Geography from the Nanjing University, China. Her research focuses on issues of tourism transportation, slow tourism, and museum interpretation. She edited books entitled "An Illustration of Chinese High Mountain" and "The Tourism Resource Development and Planning." Her research has also been published in Tourism Development Study, Heilongjiang Social Science, Tourism Forum, and Academic Exchange.
西班牙阿利坎特大学Inteligencia Turística Transnacional
Area of Study:
Xing Peng is a Doctoral Candidate in the Institute for Tourism Research, Spain. She received her Master’s Degree in Tourism Management and Planning from the University of Oviedo, Spain. Her research focuses on market entry strategy, hospitality industry business model, and Silk Road international business. She is involved in the “Tourism Intelligence Unit,” which is certificated by The Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR), for the Silk Road international tourism market and issues of cultural change. She is the Editor of Global Tourism Watch digital magazine.
School of Geography and Tourism,Guangdong University of Finance and Economy
Human geography, Tourism planning and management, Leisure management
School of Business and Management, Donghua University
Tourism consumption, Tourism Sociology
Chengdu Sports University
Area of Study:
Prof. Jiangping Shu graduated from the Chengdu Sports University in 1982. He has been appointed a Professor at the Chengdu Sports University, Head of the teaching and research section of the Department of Leisure Sports, and Outstanding Contribution Excellent Expert in the Sichuan Province. His main research interests are in the public service of leisure sports, talent cultivation in leisure sports, leisure sports industry, and sports tourism. Prof. Shu has served as a PI on one National Social Science Fund Project, three provincial level projects, and one bureau level project. He is also the main co-editor of five books, including “The Route Research on Public Service of Leisure Sports in China,” “The Basic Theory about Leisure Sports Activity,” “The Tourism of Sport for All,” and “Fencing for All.” Prof. Shu published more than 60 journal articles delivered presentations at international conferences.
大连大学/Dalian University
Area of Study:
Dr. Weiling Su is a Professor and Dean of the Tourism College at Dalian University. She received her Ph.D. in Management Sciences and Engineering from Tianjin University, China. Her research focuses on issues of tourism and leisure management, and tourism enterprises evaluation. She explores subjects such as the tourism planning, leisure in the modern city, tourism and leisure ethnic theories and practices. Dr. Weiling Su’s research has been funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Social Science Foundation of Liaoning Province, and tourism and leisure enterprises. Her research has been published in the Journal of ICIC Express Letters, Tourism Overviews, Journal of Managers and other outlets.
Department of Tourism Management,Dalian Art College
Tourism management, Tourism planning
Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science
Tourism economy, Service economy, Leisure economy
Department of National Economic Strategy,Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science
Tourism economic growth, Inbound tourism management, Tourism marketing management
School of Hospitality Management,Beijing International Studies University
Hospitality management, Strategic human resource management
School of Tourist Management,Hunan University of Commerce
Department of National Economic Strategy,Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science
Tourism investment and financing, Sustainable tourism development, Leisure education
Department of Tourism,Fudan University
Tourism marketing, Big data, Touirsm industry development
Dalian Art College
Tourism management, Modern and contemporary history of China
天津财经大学/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics
Area of Study:
Dr. Xie Fang is a Professor in the Tourism Management Department of the Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, China. She received her MBA from the Oklahoma State University and a Ph.D. in environmental economics from the Nankai University, China. Her research focuses on tourismization of intangible cultural heritage, tourism ecological and environmental management, agricultural leisure, and tourism resources governance. In 2010, Dr. Fang published a book titled “Tourism ecological and environmental management.” Her recent research projects include: “The environmental management and auditing of tourism clusters” (funded by the Ministry of Education of China), “Place Attachment and Reproduction of Intangible Cultural Heritage” (funded by the Tianjin Art Science Planned Program), “Study on Tourism Environmental Auditing” (funded by the Tianjin Social Science Planned Program), and “Empowerment mechanism during the tourismification process” (funded by cultural resources of the Nationally-Sponsored Funding Program for Social Sciences).
Area of Study:
Department of Tourism, Fudan University
Tourism marketing, Tourism culture, Tourism education
Department of National Economic Strategy, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science
Tourism planning and marketing, Tourism theory, Sustainable tourism development
Department of Social Sports and Leisure Sports, Xi'an Physical Education University
Sport humanities and sociology, Social sport, Leisure culture, Sport tourism
School of Economics,Trade and Event Management,Beijing International Studies University
Travel insurane, Tourism behavior, Behaviroal finance, Risk Securitization
中国艺术研究院/Chinese National Academy of Arts
Area of Study:
Ms. Yang Nai is an assistant researcher in the Chinese National Academy of Arts. She also works in the International Training Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO (CRHAP). Ms. Yang graduated in 2004 from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) with a Master's degree. Her research focuses on issues of Chinese traditional culture, folklore, folk literature, and their contribution to the construction of leisure spaces and psychological health. She explores subjects such as leisure behavior and happiness among low-income groups and the effects of social structure inequality on people's leisure pursuits. Some of her research has been funded by the Chinese National Academy of Arts. Her research has been published in Leisure Study in China, Beijing Social Leisure Sciences Review, Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and other outlets.
Institution of Meeting and Event Management, Tianjin University of Commerce
Meeting and event management, traditional Chinese philosophy
南京农业大学Nanjing Agricultural University
Area of Study:
Dr. Yin Yan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Tourism Management at the Nanjing Agricultural University. She received her Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics and Management from the Nanjing Agricultural University, China. Her research focuses on agricultural leisure and rural tourism. Other subjects that are prominent in her research include tourist consumption behavior in leisure settings. Dr. Yin has been funded by CNTA. She is a co-editor of the Jiangsu Agricultural Leisure Development Report (2012-2015).
上海社会科学院/Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
Area of Study:
Dr. Qiuyang Yu is an Associate Professor in the Institute of National Economy at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. She received her Ph.D. degree in world economy from the East China Normal University. Her research focuses on tourism industry economy, tourism destination management, and sustainable development of tourism destinations. She explores subjects such as leisure economics, leisure holiday products, and the structural problems of leisure consumption of Shanghai residents. Other subjects that are prominent in her research include the potential of anti-season tourism, the brand competitiveness of Chinese tourism enterprises, and the factors affecting tourism industry potential. Dr. Yu’s research on the distribution of regional tourism industry factors in the age of high-speed railway has been funded by the National Social Science Foundation, the National Tourism Administration of Tourism Youth Expert Training Program and Science and Technology Research Project of the Shanghai Normal University. Dr. Yu edited books entitled "An Introductory Guide to MICE Industry," "Tourism Planning," "Study on the Potential and Competitiveness of Tourism Industry in China" and "Leisure Economy." Her research has also been published in Tourism Tribune, Human Geography, Journal of Social Sciences, Economic Forum, Tourism Forum, Shanghai Economy, Chinese Journal of Management and other outlets.
School of Hospitality Management,Jinan University
Tourism carrying capacity, Tourism Economy
安徽师范大学Anhui Normal University
Area of Study:
Dr. Hongmei Zhang is a Professor in the College of Tourism, Anhui Normal University, China. She specializes in tourist behavior and tourism destination marketing. She received her Bachelor's degree in Education from the Anhui Normal University in 1992, Masters of Science degree from the Anhui Normal University in 2005, and Ph.D. degree from the Anhui Normal University in 2010. Dr. Zhang has been a visiting scholar at the State University of New York College at Oneonta and at Purdue University. She has completed over 15 teaching and scientific research projects funded by national and provincial/department institutions. She is an author or editor of 6 books and more than 30 publications in Chinese and international journals, such as Tourism Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, Journal of China Tourism Research, Tourism Tribune, Tourism Science, Human Geography, and others. Dr. Zhang has won two awards at the provincial or ministerial level and a Best Paper Award from Tourism Tribune. She also has completed many consultancy projects from for the Chinese government and private companies, and has given lectures and delivered reports to public and private institutions.
中山大学/Sun Yat-sen University
Area of Study:
Dr. Hongxing Zhang is a Lecturer in the Sports Department and a coach of aerobics team at the Sun Yat-sen University. He will receive a doctoral degree in June, 2016. His research project focuses on the relationships among motivation, constraints, experience and intention to revisit among leisure sports tourists in the sports resorts of the Pearl River delta. His future research will focus on physical education teaching and training, events organization and management, and leisure sports. In 2011, he co-edited a textbook entitled University’s Physical Health Theory and Practice. His research has also been published in the Journal of Guangzhou Sport University, Bulletin of Sport Science and Technology, Journal of Tongren University and other outlets.
宁波市委党校/Ningbo Municipal Administration College
Area of Study:
Dr. Zhang Yajing is a Professor at the Ningbo Municipal Administration College. His main research interests are in leisure philosophy and philosophy of science and technology. His research studies have explored leisure life support systems, characteristics of a leisure city, characteristics of urban leisure culture, leisure values, the relationship between science and technology and leisure, green development, ecological civilization, green consumption, and green modernization. His is the author of "Research on the support system of leisure cultural life." Dr. Zhang is a member of the editorial board and the main contributor to a series of books on green development and innovation. The books in this series included "Green development and innovation in the global perspective," "Dynamic mechanism of green development ," and "The thought of green development: From light green to deep green." He has also published more than 30 research papers on green development, leisure life, and leisure culture. Dr. Zhang's papers have appeared in Natural Dialectics Research, Research on Philosophy of Science and Technology, Scientific Socialism, and Chinese Communist Party School Journal. Dr. Zhang is also an Executive Director and Deputy Secretary General of Science and Technology Innovation specialized committee of China Natural Dialectics Research Association, a Standing Director of Leisure Philosophy Specialized Committee of China Natural Dialectics Research Association, a member of the World Leisure Organization, and a member of Leisure Society of Zhejiang Province.
Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science
Leisure tourism, Red tourism, Rural tourism, International cooperation
Northwest University, China
Tourism management, Tourism economy
Department of National Economic Strategy, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science
Tourism investment and financing
Business Department of Shandong University
Tourism growth, Tourism business management, Tourism Planning
School of Tourism Management, Sun Yat-sen University
Tourism theory, Tourism impact, Tourism Economy
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创始成员/Founding Members

Dr. Xiang Wei is an Associate Professor in the National Academy of Economic Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and an Adjunct Professor of the National School of Development, Peking University and Center for Leisure Research, Remin University of China. Dr. Wei is also a member of the American Economic Association, USA. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from the Business School of Renmin University of China. In collaboration with other institutes, he developed the largest data set (more than 800,000) on economic life in the Mainland China that spans the years of 2006-2016. His research focuses on issues of time allocation (especially its effect on human capital), happiness, and the effects of economic growth on leisure time and leisure participation. He explores subjects such as the effects of time allocation on human capital and economic growth, the effects of leisure infrastructure as endogenous amenity on talent allocation, and the effects of leisure participation on Chinese happiness. Other subjects that are prominent in his research include the effects of life time on working time, gender and income differences in leisure time allocation, cross-cultural differences in recreation behavior, outbound travel behavior, space economics in leisure field, economic analysis of household activities and leisure participation, and modern management in leisure enterprises. Dr. Wei’s research has been funded by the National Social Science Fund, National Tourism Administration of The People’s Republic of China, Beijing Planning Office, and Beijing Municipal Education Commission. He co-edited books entitled “Bonus in leisure: How life decides your work?,” “Leisure economics,” “Recreational properties in China” and “Leisure economic management.” His research has also been published in top SSCI journals including Journal of Leisure Research, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Tourism Economics, Tourism Analysis, Social Indicators Research, and International Journal of Tourism Research. He has also published more than 30 CSSCI papers in Chinese. Dr. Wei teaches doctoral-level course on The Economics of Leisure, which examines the economic laws and their effect on the leisure industry.

Dr. Stodolska is a Professor and Associate Head for Academic Affairs in the Department of Recreation, Sport and Tourism at the University of Illinois. She received her Ph.D. in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Alberta, Canada. Dr. Stodolska’s research focuses on issues of cultural change, quality of life, and their relationship to leisure behavior of ethnic and racial minorities. She explores subjects such as the adaptation processes among minority groups, recreation behavior of minority populations in natural environments, physical activity among minority groups, as well as constraints on leisure. Dr. Stodolska’s research has been funded by the USDA Forest Service, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Kraft Foundation, National Institutes of Health, and National Recreation and Park Association. She has co-edited books on Race, Ethnicity and Leisure with Drs. Shinew, Floyd and Walker and Leisure Matters: The State and Future of Leisure Studies with Drs. Walker and Scott. Her research has also been published in Journal of Leisure Research, Leisure Sciences, Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, Leisure/Loisir, Annals of Behavioral Medicine, Social Science Quarterly, Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies and other outlets. Dr. Stodolska has served as an associate editor of the Journal of Leisure Research since 2001 and of Leisure/Loisir since 2003. In 2011 and 2012 she served as a co-chair of the NRPA Leisure Research Symposium. In 2013 she was elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Leisure Sciences.

Dr. Gordon J. Walker is a Professor in the Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation at the University of Alberta (Canada). His research program integrates socio- and cross-cultural psychology and leisure theory. He is particularly interested in how culture and ethnicity affect leisure behaviour (e.g., need satisfaction through, motivations for, constraints to, experiences during, and outcomes of, leisure). To date, Gordon's research has focused primarily on Chinese, Chinese/Canadian, and British/Canadian people's leisure, with funding from the Alberta Gambling Research Institute and the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada. In 2009 he was elected as an Academy of Leisure Sciences Fellow. In 2011 he co-authored the second edition of A Social Psychology of Leisure with Doug Kleiber and Roger Mannell; in 2014 he co-edited a book entitled Race, Ethnicity, and Leisure with Monika Stodolska, Kim Shinew, and Myron Floyd; and in 2016 he co-edited a book entitled Leisure Matters: The State and Future of Leisure Studies with David Scott and Monika Stodolska.

Dr. Erwei Dong is an associate professor of recreation management at United States Sports Academy. He received his Ph.D. in Recreation, Park and Tourism Management (Leisure Studies) from the Pennsylvania State University (USA). He conducted many fieldwork related to leisure lifestyle in urban settings. Specifically, his research explores how urban leisure lifestyle influences people’s health, leisure satisfaction and quality of life. He compared leisure activities and leisure constraints in a variety of cultural contexts with the goal of enhancing recreational facilities, making recreation resources sustainable, building health communities, enriching quality of life and creating more equitable leisure opportunities at local and global levels. In addition, he is interested in examining how culture influence leisure and tourism participation, involvement and behaviors on diverse populations. He has a combination of more than 100 published peer-reviewed papers, book and book chapters, professional presentations and technical reports to his research. Dr. Dong’s research has been funded by Marriott Foundation, Korea Foundation, Academy of Korean Studies, Matsushita Foundation, Heiwanagajima Foundation, and National Science Council of Taiwan. He co-edited a book entitled Korean Leisure: from tradition to modernity with Dr. Joen Yi-Kook. His research has also been published in Leisure Sciences, Leisure Studies, World Leisure Journal, African Journal of Physical Health Education Recreation and Dance, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Vacation Marketing, Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences)and other journals.

Dr. Monica Z. Li is a visiting scholar at the Department of Recreation, Sport and Tourism at the University of Illinois. She received her Ph.D. in Leisure Studies from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research theme lies primarily within the nexus of leisure, tourism, mobility and transformation of the society. Her dissertation project investigated how Chinese overseas travelers reflected upon their travel experience and how their perceptions of the home, the destination and the self were challenged, reviewed and revised as a result of cross-cultural overseas encounters. Her recent research has endeavored to explore the multiple interacting mobilities of Chinese people who make systematic movements within or out of the country for leisure, work, education, or family related purposes at the micro level and in the form of analyses of individual actions. Her research has been published in Leisure Sciences, Leisure/Loisir, Annals of Leisure Research, Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research and other outlets.
资深成员 (国际)/International Fellows

Pennsylvania State University
Area of Study:
Garry Chick is professor emeritus and a former head of the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Management at the Pennsylvania State University. He also has an appointment in the Department of Anthropology. He received a B.S. in psychology with a minor in physics in 1969 from Purdue University and a Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Pittsburgh in 1980. His primary research interests include expressive culture, including leisure and health, adult play and games, and research methods. He has conducted field research in Mexico, northeastern United States, mainland China, and Taiwan. He joined the faculty at Penn State in 1999 after 18 years in the Department of Leisure Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. While at Illinois, he received fellowships in the Program for the Study of Cultural Values and Ethics (1991-92) and the Center for Advanced Studies (1995-96). He has also taught as a visiting professor at West Virginia University, the University of Wageningen in The Netherlands, and the University of Costa Rica. He is past editor of the journal Leisure Sciences and founding editor of Play & Culture. He is a past president of the Association for the Anthropological Study of Play and of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research. Dr. Chick is a fellow of the Society for Applied Anthropology and the Academy of Leisure Sciences. His recent publications include “Cultural consonance in leisure activities and self-rated health in six cities in China” (with Erwei Dong & Xiangyou Shen, World Leisure Journal, 2014), “Cultural Consonance in Leisure, Leisure Constraints, Leisure Satisfaction, Life Satisfaction, and Self-Rated Health in Six Cities in Taiwan” (with Y. C. Hsu, C. K. Yeh, C. M. Hsieh, S. Bae, & S. Iarmolenko, Leisure Sciences, 2016), “Games and Their Rhetorics: An Idiosyncratic Appreciation of the Contributions of Brian Sutton-Smith” (Children’s Folklore Review, 2015), and “Anthropology and Leisure” (in G. Walker, D. Scott & M. Stodolska, Leisure Matters: The State and Future of Leisure Studies. State College, PA: Venture Publishing, 2015).

Pennsylvania State University
Area of Study:
Dr. Dattilo is a Professor in the Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management at Penn State University where he teaches about inclusive leisure services and leisure education from an applied, philosophical, and ethical perspective. He received his Ph.D. in Leisure Studies from the University of Illinois. Dr. Dattilo is author of several editions of Inclusive Leisure Services and Leisure Education Program Planning and co-author of Facilitation Techniques in Therapeutic Recreation with Alexis McKeeney and Application of Behavior Analysis in Leisure Contexts with Kari Kensinger. Over the past 30 years he has collaborated with international and domestic interdisciplinary teams of colleagues and students to conduct research resulting in 13 books, 24 book chapters, over 140 articles, 25 funded projects, and over 180 presentations at professional meetings, workshops, and agencies addressing the needs of a variety of people who encounter social-psychological barriers to their leisure. Throughout his career Dr. Dattilo has tried to create opportunities to respectfully understand perceptions of diverse individuals to provide a forum to share their voices and gain insight into ways to assist them in addressing barriers to their leisure so that they become empowered to experience enjoyment and meaning in their lives.

West Virginia University
Area of Study:
Dr. Deng is an Associate Professor in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Resources Program, School of Natural Resources, West Virginia University. He received his Ph.D. in Recreation and Leisure Studies from the University of Alberta, Canada. Dr. Deng’s current research interests focus on ecotourism, tourism planning, rural tourism, and urban forests. He explores subjects such as environmental attitudes and behaviors among ecotourists, GIS applications in recreation and tourism, stakeholders’ attitudes towards rural tourism, and scenic beauty and recreational benefits associated with urban forests. Dr. Deng’s research has been funded by the USDA, Appalachian Regional Commission, Department of Commerce of West Virginia, and Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation. Her research has been published in Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Journal of Travel Research, Leisure Sciences, Journal of Leisure Research, Journal of Environmental Management, Environment and Behavior, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, and other outlets. Dr. Deng has served on the editorial board of EurAsian Journal of BioSciences since 2009 and of Journal of Hospitality Management and Tourism during 2012-2013. He was also invited as Guest Associate Editorfor Journal of Park and Recreation Administration in 2012.

University of Northern Iowa
Area of Study:
Rodney B. Dieser, Ph.D., currently is Professor of Leisure, Youth, and Human Services in the School of Kinesiology, Applied Health, and Human Services at the University of Northern Iowa. His research interests include: (1) leisure education, (2) cross-cultural therapeutic recreation/inclusive recreation and leisure service delivery, (3) cross-national implications of utilizing the United States National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification in Canada and other nations, (4) inclusive recreation for people with disabilities, (5) leisure and mental health, and (6) historical and philosophical foundations of leisure, youth, and human services, including Hull-House, 1889-1953,. Rod has authored or co-authored three academic textbooks in Leisure Studies with two more textbooks soon to be published related to Community Parks and Recreation and Recreation and Leisure Programming. Over the past 20 years he has conduct research resulting in over 70 peer-reviewed research-based publications and over 35 articles in professional-based publications. His research has been published in Alberta Journal of Educational Research, American Journal of Recreation Therapy, Annuals of Therapeutic Recreation, Counseling Psychology Quarterly, Counseling Today, Human Service Education, Journal of Leisure Research, Leisure Science, Leisure Studies, Leisure/Loisir, Therapeutic Recreation Journal, World Leisure Journal and other outlets. In 2006 he received the Outstanding Research Award by the National Therapeutic Recreation Society in the United States. He has also received outstanding research and writing awards by the Alberta Therapeutic Recreation Association (Canada) and the Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association respectfully. In 2010 Rod was inducted as a Senior Fellow in the American Leisure Academy and in 2012 he was inducted as a Senior Fellow in the World Leisure Academy. Rod is also a licensed mental health counselor who works 10 hours a week in a community mental health agency.
North Carolina State University
Area of Study:

Old Dominion University
Area of Study:
Dr. Edwin (Ed) Gómez is a Professor in the Park, Recreation and Tourism Studies (PRTS) Program and Graduate Program Director for the Department of Human Movement Sciences. His research interests include attitudes and perceptions surrounding racial and ethnic perspectives on leisure in outdoor public recreation settings. His recent research articles have outlined behavioral modeling of ethnicity and recreation, with a focus on the acculturation process. Additionally, given that most ethnic and racial groups tend to live in and around urban settings, Dr. Gómez has focused his recent research on urban parks and their role in creating sense of community in neighborhoods, urban proximate parks and use by nontraditional users, and dog parks as a specific type of urban park. Dr. Gómez's most cited work is his Ethnicity and Public Recreation Participation Model. Dr. Gómez has consulted for the U.S. Forest Service and the Army Corps of Engineers. Dr. Gómez was given University Professor distinction at Old Dominion University (ODU) - a distinction given to recognize faculty members at ODU who are outstanding teachers at the undergraduate level. He has been at ODU for 16 years, and teaches courses in diversity, marketing, research methodology, and statistical analysis - as they relate to recreation and tourism. Prior to his time at ODU, Dr. Gómez served in the U.S. Army. He is a veteran, who was promoted to the rank of Sergeant (E-5) at the age of 22, and left the Army with an honorable discharge. Following the Army, he earned a B.S. at Salem State University in Geography; a M.S. at Rochester Institute of Technology in Hospitality and Travel Management; a Ph.D. in Park, Recreation and Tourism Resources with an Urban Studies emphasis; and a M.A in Linguistics at Old Dominion University. His top 3 places in the world is Boston, Italy, and Puerto Rico, and he speaks three languages - English, Spanish, and Italian.

Area of Study:
Daniel S. Mason is a professor of Physical Education and Recreation and adjunct with the School of Business at the University of Alberta. His research focuses on sports leagues and franchises, cities, events, and infrastructure development, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. His work has been published in American Behavioral Scientist, Journal of Sport Management, Journal of Urban Affairs, Economic Development Quarterly, Event Management, Managing Leisure, Economic Inquiry, Contemporary Economic Policy, Tourism Management, and Urban Studies. He was named a North American Society for Sport Management Research Fellow in 2004

Leisure and Recreation Association of South Africa
Area of Study:
Maliga Naidoo graduated with a Bachelor of Pedagogy majoring in Education, Physical Education and History in 1985. Her passion for Leisure and Recreation, lead her to continue her studies in Recreation Management and Exercise Physiology completing an Honours degree in 1990. In 1997 she completed a Masters degree in Recreation Management focusing on employee recreation services. Between 1997 and 2007 Maliga occupied many positions as an “activist” for recreation service delivery in South Africa. As the chair of the Provincial Recreation Council, she represented the province on the board of the South African National Recreation Council as an executive member. In 2001 she was appointed by the Minister of Sport and Recreation as the Commissioner of Recreation to serve on the Board of the South African Sports Commission. Between 2001 and 2008 Maliga was involved in the development of unit standards for recreation and leisure and served as the chair of the Standards Generating Body. As a consultant with the South African Qualifications Authority, she generated vocational qualifications on the Levels 4, 5 and 6 which were registered on the National Qualification Framework. In 2007 Maliga joined the University of KwaZulu Natal as a Lecturer in Leisure Sciences. During her time at the University, as the Academic Co-ordinator for the Department of Sport Science, she initiated the curriculum review, generated new modules, developed a new curriculum with three areas of specialisation and motivated for the renaming of the department as the Department of Biokinetics, Exercise and Leisure Sciences. For the first time in the history of the department a new Leisure Science stream was offered to students as a specialisation. In 2010, as the founding member of the Leisure and Recreation Association of South Africa (LARASA), she was elected as the President. She serves as the member of the executive committee of the World Leisure Organisation. Maliga serves as the host and chair of the 2016 LARASA World Congress to be held in Durban in June 2016. Her interests include curriculum development and standard setting, strategic planning and management, recreation therapy and leisure as a means to transform people and spaces.

Ben-Gurion University of Israel
Area of Study:
Galit Nimrod, Ph.D., is an associate professor at the Department of Communication Studies and a research fellow at the Center for Multidisciplinary Research in Aging at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. She holds a Ph.D. in Communication and Journalism from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and she was a Fulbright post-doctoral scholar in the Gerontology Center and the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies at the University of Georgia, US. Dr. Nimrod studies psychological and sociological aspects of leisure and media use among populations with special needs such as older adults and people with disabilities. In the past few years her studies focused on E-leisure activities and their functions for individuals and various social groups. She published extensively on this topic in leading scientific journals and presented her studies and ideas in numerous international conferences. In 2008 Dr. Nimrod has founded The Leisure and Aging Research Group (LARG). She has also served as a board member of the World Leisure Organization since 2012, and as an associate editor of the Journal of Leisure Research since 2013. In 2016 she was elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Leisure Sciences.

Hong Kong Baptist University
Area of Study:
Prof. Atara Sivan is Associate Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Professor in the Department of Education Studies of Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong. She is the President and Senior Fellow of the World Leisure Academy, the Editor-in-Chief of the World Leisure Journal, Board Member of the World Leisure Organization and the Founder and Chairperson of World Leisure Organization - Hong Kong Chapter. Her research interests are in the areas of youth development and leisure education, curriculum, pedagogy and teacher education. With her expertise in leisure education, she has served as a scientific consultant for the development of the first comprehensive curriculum for schools in Israel. She continues to contribute internationally to the advancement of leisure education through large scale research projects, publications and conference presentations. Among her co-authored books are: Leisure Education Towards the 21st Century; Leisure Education, Community Development and Populations with Special Needs, Leisure Education in School Systems; and, Leisure Education: A Cross-National View. She is also the recipient of numerous local and international awards including the International Award for Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Technology, Hillel Ruskin Memorial Scholar Lecture Award, George Torkildsen Literary Award and 2015 Knowledge Transfer Award.

University of Illinois
Area of Study:
William (Bill) Stewart is a Professor in the Department of Recreation, Sport and Tourism at the University of Illinois. His teaching and research is related to the development of parks and protected areas to improve quality of life and enhance sense of place. Dr. Stewart’s research is concerned with landscape change in urban and rural areas, and recognizes the need to integrate community-based voices into environmental decision-making. He and his colleagues build working relationships with stakeholders to move forward on land management initiatives through the integration of expert, community-based, and experiential knowledge. He co-edited a book entitled Place-based Conservation: Perspectives from the Social Sciences along with Drs. Daniel Williams and Linda Kruger published by Springer-Verlag. Dr. Stewart publishes his research in journals related to recreation, tourism, and landscape planning, such as Journal of Leisure Research, Leisure Sciences, and Landscape and Urban Planning. His research program has been continuously supported by sponsors such as the USDA Forest Service, the USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture, and the US National Park Service, as well as other agencies related to landscape change and park development. Dr. Stewart is a Fellow of the Academy of Leisure Sciences and has served as Treasurer for the Academy since 2010. At the University of Illinois, Dr. Stewart is associated with the Parks and Environmental Behavior Research Group, adjunct faculty with the Department of Landscape Architecture, and serves as the Director of the undergraduate program in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences.

Brock University
Area of Study:
Dr. Trussell is an Associate Professor in the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies at Brock University (Canada). Theoretically she draws on feminist theory principles, and like many gender scholars, Dr. Trussell identifies with an epistemology that embodies aspects of equity, empowerment, and social change for all people. Broadly defined, her research program seeks to understand diverse social contexts and issues of power and social inclusion, particularly related to the family unit and constructs of parenting, children and youth, gender and sexuality, and rurality. In addition, she has a keen interest in the methodological and ethical issues in the research process. The Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada have funded Dr. Trussell’s research. She has written in the areas of family leisure; organized youth sport; the transition to motherhood; the coming out process for LGB young people and their parents; the nightclub culture; and homelessness. Dr. Trussell has served as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Leisure Research since 2011 and is currently serving as the Vice-President/ Treasurer for the Canadian Association for Leisure Studies.

Area of Study:
Ramon B. Zabriskie is a Professor at Brigham Young University in the Department of Recreation Management, in the Marriot School of Management where he is currently the Therapeutic Recreation Program Coordinator. Although he has conducted research and published in several areas including therapeutic recreation, accreditation, and resume development, etc., his line of research focuses primarily on family leisure and family wellness. His work has been published in a variety of academic journals including the Journal of Leisure Research, Leisure Sciences, Therapeutic Recreation Journal, Family Relations, Fathering, Adoption Quarterly, and Marriage & Family Review. Dr. Zabriskie has been honored with numerous teaching and scholarly awards and has served the profession in many capacities including the American Therapeutic Recreation Association Board of Directors, Utah Recreation Therapy Association Board of Directors, Utah Recreational Therapy Licensure Board, as a guest editor or associate editor for Journal of Leisure Research, Therapeutic Recreation Journal, Marriage and Family Review, Journal of Parks & Recreation Administration, etc. and is currently serving on the Board of Directors for The Academy of Leisure Sciences. He is a Fellow in the National Academy of Recreation Therapists and was recently named a Fellow in the Academy of Leisure Sciences. But if you ask him he is simply a husband, father, grandfather, and fly fisherman.